Multigenerational workshops were provided free using the 50at50 award.
We used 2/3rds of our £10,000 #ajc50at50 award on arty/crafty things for the younger children. Lots of free workshops and materials and culminating in well over 100 children taking part in their exhibition. Canvases were taken and work was done at home, brought back and exhibited all over gallery 2. Many got awards, all got an art pack for taking part. Lady Dalton, our then Patron presented all the prizes in each age group, she really loved the enthusiasm of the children.
The last third of the money we saved for the visit of very talented and wonderful tutor Alysn Midgelow Marsden, over to the UK from New Zealand. We paid her travel and accommodation for her to run 3 one day visit to the secondary Schools, Les Quennevais where she taught 3 groups, Beaulieu where she taught 2 groups together at the gallery, and JCG where she taught 2 groups. She also had a day with our textile group at the gallery ....all these groups free of charge.
At the weekend she taught both Saturday and Sunday where some of our A level students joined in on a reduced rate and also some GCSE students from secondary schools.
Below are comments and pics from teacher Francesca Monticelli from Le Quennevais.
It is difficult to say just how enormously appreciated this £10,000 has been and what a difference it had made to 100's of students.
Thank you all very, very much.
Pat and the Governors of Art in the Frame Foundation.