Jersey Charities

L'Associâtion des Charités d' Jèrri


Becoming a member


Becoming a Member of the Association of Jersey Charities is a simple process.

Membership of the Association is open to any charity registered under the Charities (Jersey) Law 2014 (the Charities Law). If you are not registered under the Charities Law, please see our webpage re. starting a charity and for information and guidance.

Excepted Foreign Charities (i.e. charities registered and managed in the United Kingdom) are also eligible for membership.

There is an annual subscription (payable on joining, pro rata, and thereafter on 1 April), which will allow you access to the services of the Association. The subscription is based on your last annual ‘expenditure’ as reported to the Jersey Charity Commissioner. The bands are as follows:

  • Below £1,000 = £26 per year  
  • Below £20,000 = £46 per year
  • Below £100,000 = £97 per year 
  • Below £1 million = £282 per year
  • Above £1 million = £487 per year

To understand the subscriptions, see our Frequently Asked Questions below:

  • How do I find my annual expenditure?

This information will be held by your treasurer. The subscription is based on your last reported figure.

You can also find this information on the Jersey Charity Commission website - Public Register · Charities Register (

  • How much do I need to pay?

The bands are based on your last reported annual expenditure.

  • Members with annual expenditure below £1,000 = £26
  • Members with annual expenditure of £1,000 or above but below £20,000 = £46
  • Members with annual expenditure of £20,000 or above but below £100,000 = £97
  • Members with annual expenditure of £100,00 or above but below £1 million = £282
  • Members with annual expenditure of £1 million or above = £487
  • How much do we pay if we send all our income to the parent charity in the UK?

You will be charged the highest rate of £487, unless you can provide proof to the contrary regarding annual expenditure.

  • How can I pay?

You can set up a standing order, or pay directly by Internet banking.

Association of Jersey Charities
Lloyds International
Reference – your AJC membership number

Or you can pay by cheque, payable to Association of Jersey Charities, and send it to PO Box 356, St Helier, JE4 9YZ. Please ensure you quote your AJC membership number as reference so we can identify the payment.

  • Is GST payable on the subscription?

No, charities don't have to pay GST, or they can claim back any they do have to pay.

  • How do I find my AJC membership number?

All members have a page on our website – There is a search function here: Members (

  • Why is the subscription based on expenditure?

We chose the expenditure as an indication of the size of a charity based on public information so as to keep our own time on administration to a minimum. These changes were confirmed by members at the 2023 AGM who overwhelmingly supported the proposal. Your membership remains an excellent investment for you and your charity. We are committed to maximising the value you receive while managing our finances responsibly.

  • What happens if I don’t pay my subscription?

Membership enables you to AJC benefits, including access to funding, training, support and guidance; if you don’t pay your subscription within 90 days, you will have no member privileges, and your membership of the AJC may be revoked, in accordance with clause 5.7 of the AJC constitution. 

5.7 No Member shall be entitled to vote or to enjoy any privileges of the Association for so long as its subscription shall be in arrears for more than 90 days. If the amount in arrears is not paid within such time or such further time as the Committee may allow, the Member shall cease to be a Member, provided that the Member may at the discretion of the Committee be reinstated on payment of the amount due.

Prospective members are requested to view our Constitution before applying.

Once you are ready to apply, please complete and submit the online application form. Once the application has been reviewed, the Administrator will contact you to arrange payment of the joining subscription. Once we receive payment, you will be sent your welcome pack and Association number.

We look forward to welcoming you as a member. If you have any problems with this process, please contact our Administrator