Other funders
Other funding bodies in Jersey.
Listed below are other funding bodies that charities in Jersey can apply to. If your project does not fit the criteria of these, please contact the administrator to discuss your needs.
Greville Bathe Fund & Ann Alice Rayner Fund
Lloyds Foundation of the Channel Islands
The Co-operative Helping Hands
The John Spedan Lewis Foundation
Sir James Knott Charitable Trust
Corporate donations & CSR
Many businesses in Jersey have CSR programmes.
Jersey businesses are particularly generous when it comes to supporting charities and community groups. Many have their own CSR programmes and generally support a particular charity for a year or more.
Others will consider supporting ad hoc projects or events, you just need to ask!
Payroll Giving: https://www.gov.je/TaxesMoney/IncomeTax/Charities/Pages/MakingDonation.aspx
You can make donations to a nominated charity directly from your salary.
Pennies from Heaven: https://www.penniesfromheaven.co.uk/
Is a scheme whereby the 'pennies' on a salary are diverted to a charity/charities of choice.
Channel Islands Coop Community Fund: https://www.channelislands.coop/je/your-society/community/coop-community-fund/
Our Community Fund is open all year round to local charities and community groups in the Channel Islands, with funding distributed to worthy causes twice a year.
Sure Community Foundation: https://www.sure.com/jersey/community/sure-community-foundation/
The Sure Community Foundation consider any applications that support an activity, event or local initiative that will benefit a locally registered charity.
Institute of Fundraising
For fundraising information and ideas.