Report on the use of the 50/50 Award
The figures below are a combination of expenses already incurred and funding that will be required for the period of 2022 to 2023. Allocating the 50/50 funding in this way allows the charity to cover its annual running costs.
On road and cognitive assessment of clients £2000
Clients often require additional instruction £1000
Registration with relevant associations, postage, Printing etc. £1065
Ongoing training of assessors/instructors £1000
Public Relations and Re-launch
Advertising, leaflets, Polo shirts, Business cards etc. £1500
Fuel, insurance, maintenance, depreciation £3320
Total £9885
It is anticipated that there will be some unforeseen additional costs but the
50/50 funding has put DriveAbility on a sound financial footing for the
foreseeable future.