Move On Youth Project
Membership Number: AJC352 / Registered Charity Number: 452

Move on Youth Projects is a charity which supports the development of youth work opportunities for young people who live in the Parish of St Helier and the surrounding area.Our aim is to provide:
A safe, warm, well equipped and accessible venue for young people to meet at times when they are needed, giving them the opportunity to participate in a broad youth work programme which meets their needs.
A range of youth work opportunities to support young people's personal and social development, including art, music, drama, sport and outdoor activities to develop new skills, to build self-confidence and explore issues that impact on their lives.
Access to information and advice on a variety of issues that impact on their lives from trained and experienced youth workers who they trust and feel comfortable with, knowing they will be non-judgmental and supportive.
Providing a voice and to be heard on issues that they feel strongly about both by having representation on the projects advisory group and through other creative methods of participation.
Our work is conducted via Street based Youth Work, the Mobile Bus Project and the soon to be opened, refurbished Move On Cafe at Liberty Wharf.
Jersey Youth Service
St James Centre
St Helier
t: 01534 280509
f: 729960
Youth Worker: Elliot Queree