Focus on Mental Illness
Membership Number: AJC506 / Registered Charity Number: 398

Our aim is to preserve and improve the quality of life of islanders severely affected by mental illness. Our vision is for every person so affected to have the opportunity to fulfil her or his potential, and participate in and contribute to all aspects of life and citizenship.
Our user participation group, Focus UP, was established to ensure that the voices and views of all those affected by severe mental illness are heard and respected at every level, ‘lived experience’ helping to inform their needs.
We deliver evidence-based therapeutic family work to those affected by severe mental illness and their family members through relapse prevention, crisis planning and accepting treatment. As a result, families are better equipped to support their loved ones in their recovery journey, family cohesion is generally improved and relapse rates are reduced.
We also aim to work for a better public understanding of severe mental illness by seeking to ensure that its key differences from other aspects of mental health and well-being are well educed. This includes training and awareness programmes, including Mental Health First Aid, to help people to identify the signs and symptoms of mental health problems generally (and severe mental illness, specifically) which, in turn, helps with the engagement of the professional support needed for recovery or the successful management of symptoms.
The Office, Fairview Farm
La Rue de Pigneaux
St Saviour
t: 07797 711900
Co-Executive Director: Liz Kendrick-Lodge
Make a Donation
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All donations are anonymous and securely handled for The Association of Jersey Charities by Paypal. Please contact the administrator if you would like to inform the charity of your identity or if you have any additional questions.