Jersey Charities

L'Associâtion des Charités d' Jèrri


The Society of St Vincent De Paul (Jersey)

Membership Number: AJC566 / Registered Charity Number: 116

The Society of St Vincent De Paul (Jersey)

The Society of St Vincent De Paul (Jersey) (SVP) is the local conference of the global Catholic charity founded in Paris in 1833. Our common mission and purpose is to aim to relieve poverty and suffering and help those within our Island community who are less fortunate. SVP operates a drop-in food-bank on Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings from the back of St Thomas’ Hall, providing assistance and support with food & hygiene products and energy bills. It also operates separate drop-ins for clients who are vulnerable or with special needs i.e. mother & baby service, adult mental health clients, working with the charities supporting such people.

17 Val Plaisant
St Helier

t: 01534 874008

President: Sinead Wright