Multiple Sclerosis Society of Jersey
Membership Number: AJC7 / Registered Charity Number: 222

The society was established in 1961 and the aims of the society are to support those on the Island with Multiple Sclerosis and their families, emotionally and financially, whilst searching for the cause and cure of the disease.
For those newly diagnosed in Jersey, the link to the UK Multiple Sclerosis “Just diagnosed” offers information or alternatively contact Sister Sarah Kean at Neurocare on 01534 444524.
For any member currently needing extra assistance on a more practical level, please get in touch with our Outreach Team. We can help with a vast array of things such as aiding you in reaching your doctor's appointments, or Social Security etc, getting you appropriate aids into your homes, and can also arrange to take you out for coffee or lunch so that you can enjoy going out for a chat.
Should you wish to find out more about the MS Jersey branch then please have a look at our website. If you wish to make a donation to our society, it will be very gratefully received.
We are here to GRASP your hand in support, friendship and thanks, as we strive for a world free of MS.
G Grants to help our members adjust their day to day lifestyle to accommodate living with MS.
R Research – donations to projects, which are propelling the treatment of MS forward and working towards a cure.
A Awareness - Around 100,000 people in the UK have MS. It is the most common disabling condition in young adults. Help us to stop MS.
S Support – monthly support in the form of exercise classes, massage and dietary supplementations.
P Positivity – helping those who live with or love someone with MS stay positive as they live with the condition.
Phone us on our Outreach Number: 07797 779903
Donations can be sent to the Treasurer, Lynne Shaw, Brooklyn, 6 Bel Royal Gardens, La Route De St Aubin, St Lawrence, JE3 1JU
Volunteer Commitment
12 Rouge Bouillon
St Helier
t: 07700 329423
Hon Secretary: Tracey Freeman
Make a Donation
If you would like to donate money to Multiple Sclerosis Society of Jersey please select an amount below.
If you are a Jersey tax payer, and your donation is for £50 or more, you can claim an extra 25% for your chosen charity. Click here for instructions on how to do this.
All donations are anonymous and securely handled for The Association of Jersey Charities by Paypal. Please contact the administrator if you would like to inform the charity of your identity or if you have any additional questions.