AJC Grant Application Deadlines for 2025
The grant application deadlines for 2025 have been set as follows:
Application Deadlines Grant Committee Meetings
12.11.24 03.12.24
18.02.25 11.03.25
20.05.25 10.06.25
19.08.25 09.09.25
11.11.25 02.12.25
See here: https://www.jerseycharities.org/about-us/meeting-dates
If you are making your first application, please contact fiona@jerseycharities.org, the Grants Manager, prior to drafting the application.
However, please read the Grants Guidance available on the AJC website (essential reading) (Applying to the AJC (jerseycharities.org) to look at eligibility, purpose and what makes a robust submission.