Jersey Charities

L'Associâtion des Charités d' Jèrri


Jersey Hedgehog Preservation Group

Membership Number: AJC233 / Registered Charity Number: 004

Jersey Hedgehog Preservation Group

The JHPG cares for sick, injured and orphaned hedgehogs under veterinary guidance and supervision and releases them back into the wild, once they are fit again or old enough to be able to fend for themselves. We also try to increase public awareness about hedgehogs and the hazards they face and encourage children's interest in, and respect for, hedgehogs. The Group maintains a record of every hedgehog we care for and ear-tags as many as possible before release which will help us build up information on what happens to them once they are back in the wild.

If you find a hedgehog out of its nest in daylight, it will probably be in need of help, so please ring 01534 734340 as soon as possible for advice and assistance.

For further information please visit our website:

White Lodge
Le Chemin des Moulins
St Helier

t: 01534 734340

Membership Secretary: Dru Burdon